What is clubEFL

Real Technology – Real Schools

clubEFL Amazing Technology e-Learning for your school!

January 28th, 2012

What is clubEFL?
clubEFL is an exciting new online learning tool that gives students the opportunity to play, communicate and create while learning English.
Accessible in the classroom, via the Interactive Whiteboard, your school's computer lab or at home.
It is a SAFE way of learning English while playing on the Internet.
clubEFL has tailor-maid digital games & activities linked to your coursebook, and extra quizzes for teachers to use, covering a wide range of skills.
Easy to use, teachers friendly, students friendly.
It is a dynamic site which is constantly updated and enriched.
clubEFL is the tool for modernising your school and engaging your students in their education.

Who is it for?

clubEFL can be used by any Private Language school, Private Full-curriculum school or State school for supporting their ELT programme.

Is is the ideal method to truly modernise your school and transform it into a school of the future!

Who has it?

This innovative, top quality online platform was developed in Greece, by a successful Greek frontisterio owner in Thessaloniki. Having started in 2001 as an in-school project, nine years later clubEFL has now evolved into a respected leader in e-Learning platforms.
In Greece and  Cyprus there are currently 70 successful Private Language Schools who are official members of the club.


What is clubEFL

Real Technology – Real Schools